Friday, April 27, 2007

Koh Tao Underwater (Even More!!)

We just found a load more shots from different divesites around Koh Tao - here's some of the best of......


Everyone loves turtles!! They make a good dive a great one! The first two photos are from 'Twins' divesite, while the second two are from White Rock. Both sites are great for all levels - they can be a wicked shallow dive, or you can get deeper if you branch away from the site a little. And the best thing is the variety of stuff you see there.......


Blue spotted stingrays can be tough to find during the day - but they're usually there, under rocks n such. Much easier to find on night dives when they come out to feed!

You usually come accross a moray eel or two at Twins aswell - check out the eyes! What a minger!


This fish pretty much owns White Rock!- Trevor the triggerfish!! renowned accross the island!! Triggerfish are really territorial, but great to look at - just, not too close!!

You get a lot of these big schools of small barracuda all around the divesites - but there's usually one on White Rock somewhere!! Really cool to swim with!!


Its got to be one of the best divesites we've got! - here's some of the photos we found.....

2 Butterfly fish cruising over the pinacle - these fish are so common around here we forget how beautifull they are - but these 2 look wicked!

One of the best things about Chumpon pinacle is the carpet of anemone's coating the top - and all of the resident anemone fish.

These last 3 shots show the Chumpon Pinacle batfish - they're great to see in the water, and so reliable! - They're always their! Cruising around the buoyline just as you drop down on the pinacle - in fact, we should give them names......

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